2025 Y2I Code of Conduct and Statement of Responsibility for Parent/Guardian(s)

    The Code of Conduct and Statement of Responsibility is designed to ensure that 2025 Y2I is an enriching, happy and safe program for every participant. Read this carefully before signing.

    As a participant in 2025 Y2I, your child agreed to the following terms:

    I will do my best to be a productive member of 2025 Y2I. My actions will reflect positively on Lappin Foundation, my family and me. I will respect our Jewish culture and values by treating every member of the 2025 Y2I community with respect and compassion, and in the same manner that I wish to be treated. I will advocate for myself in order to get the most out of my experience, and I will not engage in any activity that puts my own or other people’s health or safety at risk. I will remain with the organized group at all times and recognize that my health and safety depend on it. I will observe all wake up times and curfews. I will respect other people’s belongings and space and will not touch other people’s things without their permission. I will take responsibility for my personal belongings and understand that Lappin Foundation will not be responsible for lost or damaged property.

    As a member of the Y2I community, your child agreed to abide by the following rules and regulations. Failure to comply with items 1-8 will result in immediate dismissal from the program:

    1. No bullying, cyberbullying, physical sexual behavior, harassment, inappropriate contact, controlling behaviors, verbal abuse, physical abuse, intimidation, or threats of violence.
    2. No leaving Y2I group without permission from a Y2I counselor, including no hitchhiking and no use of public transportation.
    3. No use or possession of: drugs, tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, controlled substances, hookahs, pipes or any other drug paraphernalia.
    4. No weapons or substances used to start fires, including any object that may be used to bring harm to another person, including, but not limited to: knives, fireworks, lighters, matches and any other potential harmful items.
    5. No theft.
    6. No new body piercing or tattooing during the trip.
    7. No smoking, vaping permitted.
    8. No hazing, or any form of violent behavior whether consensual or not.
    9. No profanity or disrespectful comments, including but not limited to those regarding sexual orientation or bigotry.
    10. No possession of pornographic materials.
    11. A participant who causes any property damage will be liable to pay for the cost of those damages.
    12. Wake up times and curfews must be observed.
    13. Directives of the trip organizers must be followed.

    Lappin Foundation has the right to dismiss any teen who endangers one’s self or another individual, has continued behavioral problems, or violates the rules and regulations set forth by Lappin Foundation. A teen will be dismissed from 2025 Y2I and sent home at parent/guardian(s) expense if teen gets three strikes for violating the Code of Conduct and Statement of Responsibility. Reimbursement of $8,000 (the cost of the subsidy) to Lappin Foundation from parent/guardian(s) will be expected.

    I/We have read, understand, and agree to all of the above. I/We understand that my/our child’s failure to adhere to the above policies will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from 2025 Y2I. I/we understand that should my/our child be dismissed for disciplinary reasons:

    • The full subsidy of $8,000 must be returned to the Lappin Foundation.

    • My/Our child will be sent back to the U.S. at my/our expense.

    • I/We will pay expenses for a chaperone for the trip back to the United States.

    • I/We will not be entitled to any refunds.

    I/We have discussed these policies with my/our child.

    I/We believe my/our child to be capable: physically, mentally and emotionally; to participate in this program.

    By selecting "Accept" using any device, means or action, you consent to the legally binding terms and conditions of this Agreement. You further agree that your signature on this document (hereafter referred to as your "E-Signature") is as valid as if you signed the document in writing.

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